Knights Stream School | Mingimingi Hautoa

Our Board

Every state and state-integrated school in Aotearoa New Zealand has a board that governs it.

The board’s role is to oversee the governance of its school and to ensure that everything that needs to be done gets done – legally, ethically, and as well as possible in the best interests of its students.

The board is the employer of all staff, including the principal, and sets the overall strategic direction for the school. The principal is the board’s ‘chief executive’ and manages the day-to-day operations of the school in line with the board’s direction and policies.

At Knights Stream School our board is made up of:
The Principal of the school
One staff-elected representative
Five members elected from the community
Co-opted members to fulfil a role

The board is elected by members of the school community to ensure that the school community has a voice in how its school operates. Board members have a term of office of up to three years.

Section 127 of the Education and Training Act 2020 describes the board’s responsibilities. This is achieved through particular governance activities such as:

Setting the strategic direction and targets for the school;
Planning towards and reporting on achieving those targets;
Curriculum management;
Financial and property management;
Policies and procedures;
Health and safety;
Employment of staff at the school.

The board has a duty to show to its parents, community, and to the government that students are being well prepared for life beyond school. Evidence of progress and future direction is outlined annually in a charter, which is a document declaring specific annual targets and long-term goals.

School boards meet regularly. This is typically once a month between February and December. The meetings are not public meetings, but they are “open to the public”. This means that even if you’re not a member you are welcome to attend as an observer although you may not have speaking rights. Speaking rights can be granted in advance by the Presiding Member. Sometimes parts of Board meetings are closed to the public when the Board is discussion confidential matters. This is usually done “in-committee.” Board members may also be involved in Board sub-committees which meet as required. Recommendations from these sub-committee meetings are presented to the bull board for approval.

Parents of students, caregivers and people from the wider community can all be elected to a board. Most people who are New Zealand citizens can become a member. There are a few groups of people who cannot become members and they are identified in clause 9 of Schedule 23 to the Education and Training Act 2020. Board Members do not have to be parents or have children at the school or kura they stand for, but they need to be nominated by a parent of a student. All board members should have a commitment to the education of children and a desire to improve student achievement.

Standing for the Board is a great way to get involved in your child’s education. The New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA) provides free advice and support for boards of members through a contract with the Ministry of Education. NZSTA also provides professional development opportunities for members to help them in their role and hold an annual national conference for members.

If you’re not sure if you would like to be involved with the school board, you might like to talk to your child’s whānau teacher to see if there are other ways you could help, such as:

  • helping in the learning space
  • making resources
  • helping with class trips
  • coaching or managing a sports team
  • attending Friends of School (FOS) meetings, and joining the FOS.

Board Meeting Minutes

  • February

  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
Board of Trustees

Relative Documents

This strategic plan was ratified at the Knights Stream School Board of Trustees on 19 February 2024. This document is dynamic and under continual review and evaluation as we as a board, staff and community seek to provide the best educational opportunities for the pupils of Knights Stream School.