Welcome to the 2024 School Year!

January 26, 2024

We are excited to be back and are looking forward to seeing everyone after the long holiday break. We hope the new year has started well and that everyone is refreshed and ready for a fun Term 1 of learning ahead. A special welcome to the new families that join the Knights Stream School (KSS) family in 2024.

The teachers are all set and are excited to see their new children and are all prepared to start the year with real purpose. This year we are hosting a Whānau Connection Evening. This is an opportunity for parents to visit classroom spaces and hear about the learning programme. More information is attached for you.

Please add the Whānau Goal Setting Hui dates to your diary as these will be out soon. This is the opportunity to meet 1:1 with your child/ren’s whānau teacher to set some goals and expectations for the year. These will be booked through your HERO App.

Another date not to miss is the annual FOS Picnic Night. This is on Friday 23 February. This is a fun casual evening to meet and greet other families. This year there will be more entertainment and opportunities to buy some treats or just bring dinner with you.

This term there are schoolcamps (Y5-8) and trips – these are great ways to have a fun day at a school event and we love parents joining us!

We have been analysing our 2023 Achievment Data and setting goals to support all learners to reach their potential in reading, writing, and mathematics. A summary of this data is also attached for your reference.

Please make sure that you stay in touch with what is happening at school – it is a busy place! The best way is to use the HERO App. Attached is some more information about school communications.

We hope you have a wonderful start to the school year and we look forward to working together in this awesome community. 

See you all tomorrow from 8.20am!

Matua Mike


Whanau Connection Evening   PDF, 330.5 KB
KSS Communication Poster 2024   PDF, 3.1 MB
End Year Data 2023 – For Whanau pdf   PDF, 1 MB